Join Ben and take up the Longest Day Challenge

Like everyone, Ben Cameron’s family has been touched by cancer. “My wife lost her aunty to breast cancer, her grandmother also battled it and I lost my grandmother to bowl cancer. I decided it was about time to help the cause, since I know Cancer Council is heavily reliant on community fundraising. In recent years, I’ve participated in a number of MysteryBox and Shitbox rallies and this will be my second year playing the Longest Day”.

The Longest Day is an all-day challenge where golfers play a 72-hole golf marathon – four rounds of golf – at their own club to raise funds for Cancer Council. This year the Long Day (36 holes) and the Longer Day (54 holes) have been added as an option for golfers to participate.

“I’ll be tackling the 72 holes at Blackheath again this year” says Ben. “Our son Blake and I did it together last time; it was tough as we had to cope with the smoke generated from bush fires back in 2019. Despite the challenging conditions and the fact we chose to carry our bags all day we had a really memorable time sharing the 72-hole adventure. Unfortunately, my son looks like he can’t make it this year, so I’m hoping others will join my team the Blackheathens and raise some money for a great cause”. There are a number of clubs in the Blue Mountains offering space to play at their club for the Longest Day this year.

All funds raised will go towards Cancer Council’s life-saving cancer research, support services, prevention programs and advocacy campaigns.

Every 4 minutes, another Australian is diagnosed with cancer. Cancer Council offers support to families affected by cancer, speaks out on behalf of our community and finds new and better ways to detect and treat cancer.

Denise Daynes, Community Relations Coordinator for the Cancer Council thanked local clubs Springwood, Wentworth Falls, Blackheath and Leura for supporting the Longest Day this year.

“We rely on the generosity of people like Ben to work towards our vision of a cancer free future. It’s been a tough year for everyone, and we really appreciate those clubs who are able to support this initiative by allowing golfing fundraisers to play for free at their club,” said Ms Daynes. “It’s great to see businesses who are doing well during these tough times, supporting their community, said Ms Daynes

“We’re really looking forward to seeing how mountain clubs will perform in The Longest Day challenge. We also encourage all golfers to keep sun-safe and slip, slop, slap, seek and slide, not only on The Longest Day, but each and every day.” If you would like to participate in The Longest Day, sign up at and tee off to support a cancer free future. To join Ben Cameron’s team or to donate to his team go to

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