Replacement of Timber Bridges – Glen Davis Road

From mid-2022 through early-2023, Council will be replacing the three timber bridges along Glen Davis Road.

Funding has been received from the NSW Government’s Fixing Country Bridges Program to replace the three timber bridges along Glen Davis Road at the Airly Creek, Coco Creek and Crown Creek crossings. These bridges have reached the end of their useful life and will be replaced with dual lane, reinforced concrete structures. 

A local contractor has been appointed to undertake the works, which will commence from July 2022.

To provide the community with up-to-date road closure dates, Council will be installing signage and has created a webpage that includes project information and news,

Council is pleased to be awarded grant funding to complete this project. The replacement structures will provide safer passage for residents and visitors travelling through the Capertee Valley and will improve fire resistance. In addition, the replacement structures will have a long-life span and will require less maintenance, enabling Council to divert funding to other maintenance priorities.

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