Closure of secondary access to Lake Lyell

Following a detailed risk analysis, residents and visitors to the Lake Lyell Recreation Park are advised that access to the facility must only occur via the main entrance, off Magpie Hollow Road. Other points of access have been restricted.

Lake Lyell and the surrounding recreation park is one of the premier destinations in the Lithgow local government area. It attracts thousands of visitors per year, offering opportunities for the public to swim, picnic, and fish.

This popularity must be balanced by a good risk management approach. To ensure that all visitation and usage of the facility aligns with the park rules, alternative accesses to Lake Lyell, along Bloody Cutting Road and Sir Thomas Mitchell Drive, have been permanently closed.

While regrettable, these closures will ensure that all usage occurs safely and does not result in heightened risk to the community. Lithgow City Council appreciates the understanding of the community and looks forward to the continued offering of high-quality recreational experiences at Lake Lyell into the future.

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