What’s in Your Backyard – Seven Valleys Locals Day  

The Seven Valleys, which makes up the Lithgow Local Government area, is a vast and magnificent place of over four and a half thousand square kilometres of world class scenery, and equally renowned attractions.

Many of those attractions have endured the effects of bushfires, floods and Covid19. The recent reopening of the Zig Zag Railway is a very positive injection into the local visitor economy, so it is time to give back to Seven Valleys locals with some great incentives to get out and explore the region.

Mayor Maree Statham said “With so many world class attractions and museums in this area; The Seven Valleys region, it is important that our locals are some of their biggest supporters. Word of mouth and the Visiting Friends and Relatives market is very important to our attractions. There is so much to explore in the Seven Valleys, so I encourage all residents to make a day or even a weekend of rediscovering the region that surrounds them.”

The ’What’s in Your Backyard’ day is a fantastic opportunity for local attractions to showcase their product to residents of the Lithgow local government area who may not be familiar with them.

Participating attractions include:

  • Zig Zag Railway – Concession Price Steam Train Ride
  • Lithgow State Mine Heritage Park – Free Entry
  • Eskbank House Museum – Free Entry
  • Hartley Historic Site – Half Price Courthouse and Church tour
  • Glen Davis Ruins Tour – Gold Coin Donation

Simply show proof of residence in the Lithgow local government area to take advantage of these great offers.

For all information about ‘What’s in Your Backyard’ and to purchase your tickets for the Zig Zag Railway go to www.sevenvalleys.com.au/event/backyard/ For all Seven Valleys information visit www.sevenvalleys.com.au

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