Festival of Bells: Building Stronger Communities Through Collaborations

The Festival of Bells is a cultural event that not only unites nine diverse community groups into delivering a program of music, but also brings together service organisations such as Vivability and businesses such as Country Coffee to forge stronger communities.

Vivability will have a concession stall for food and soft drinks at the Festival in Kings Parade through their social enterprise, Café Viva.

The nearby popular Country Coffee café under the guidance of new owner, Jane Issa is one of the favourite spots in Bathurst to meet and enjoy a quick bite to eat or have a cup of coffee or tea.

In a spirit of collaboration, a generous offer was made to Café Viva by Jane Issa, to use their coffee cart free of charge during the festival to raise funds for Vivability’s social enterprises.

Through businesses and community organisations working together, we build stronger, compassionate, and resilient communities.

The Festival of Bells is the start of Heritage Week in Bathurst as part of the region’s Autumn Colours program.

The Festival of Bells is an entirely free event, but you should register your attendance for the Last Post Ceremony on Friday 28th of April, and for the performances on Saturday 29th of April at www.bathurstregion.com.au/festival-of-bells.

For more information;

Festival of Bells – contact Stuart Pearson (Convenor) M +61 4 1489 3033 or Email stuart@bigpond.com.

Country Coffee: Contact Jane Issa, Owner on (02) 6332 1367 or email contact@countrycoffee.com.au

Café Viva: Contact April See, Manager of Social Enterprises Vivability on M +61 4 3821 4783 or email april.see@vivability.org.au

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