Save Our Active Kids Vouchers

The Active Kids program provides a $100 voucher per school-enrolled child to use towards sport and recreation costs each year. The current vouchers, released on 1 January 2023, are valid until Friday 30 June 2023. It is understood the Minns government is planning to end the Active Kids program next month rather than extend the program as promised.

To save the voucher programs, I have set up a petition on my website for concerned members of the public to share their support in urging NSW Labor to continue the program.

Many people have already signed the petition and here is what some of them have said.

Leisa said “It gives us the opportunity to let our daughter do sport we otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford for her.”

Lyndal said “At a very expensive time for families, with interest rates rising, and the cost of living blowing out, at least our kids can have some joy from playing a sport! Help the parents out, keep the vouchers please!”

Maree said “Personally it helps pay fees for my children’s sport. Professionally, my business would suffer. Active kids are a life saver in allowing kids to have swimming lessons.”

As of March this year, 7 million vouchers had been downloaded and redeemed saving families over $694 million. In the Bathurst Electorate alone, over 44,000 vouchers have been redeemed since 2018.

If this program is cut, Labor will be ridding kids of the opportunity to do more of the things they love the most. Families are already doing it tough enough with cost-of-living pressures and removing this program will only add to this burden.

Please help to save this vital program by signing the petition. To sign the petition please visit:

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