Lithgow Army Cadets Support Four Local Area ANCAC Day Services

This year on the twenty fifth of April, the Army Cadets from Lithgow 220 Army Cadet Unit performed the ceremonial duties in accordance with military protocol required, to pay respect to the sacrifice paid by their forebears.

Skills were passed on from the senior army cadets through the practical lessons and confirmatory rehearsals to confirm teaching points from the beginning of the year to the juniors. The weather did not stop the army cadets from getting up in the cold and darkness to start at Portland for the Dawn Service. This was followed by the march at Wallerawang and Lithgow, Lithgow Main Service at Queen Elizabeth Park finalising with the Afternoon March & Service at Rydal. It was the last ANZAC Day and thanks go to Senior Army Cadets, Warrant Officer Palmer, Sergeant Hogan and Corporal Hepple, for passing on their knowledge to their troops.

The Australian Army Cadets (AAC) provides a personal development program for young people and is conducted by the Australian Army in cooperation with the community and aims to benefit the nation by developing individuals and their communities. The AAC adopts the values of the Australian Army – Courage, Initiative, Respect and Teamwork – to empower youth to achieve their potential. There are more than 17,500 Army Cadets based in over 240 units around Australia. They are supported by 1250 Adult Cadet Staff and the Australian Army.

The 220 Army Cadet Unit is an organisation which has been in some form in the Lithgow community for more than 80 years. 220ACU runs activities which involve leadership, first aid, adventuring in the bush, navigation, radio communication, survival and water activities. Skills that are taught are used by the Australian Defence Force personnel and can be used throughout life in employment and leisure. These activities are conducted in fun and safe environments with the aim of developing youth to be self-reliant and resilient through challenging outdoor participation.

220 Army Cadet Unit meet on NSW Public School Term Thursday evenings from 6.15pm until 9.30pm at the Marrangaroo Army Base at the end of Reserve Road. Anyone aged between 13 and 17 years of age is welcome to join and should bring a water bottle, pen and notepad on their first night. All interested parents/guardians and applicants are encouraged to browse the information on their website

For users of Facebook, search: ‘220 Australian Army Cadet Unit Lithgow’.

Alternatively if you cannot find an answer to your question about Army Cadets, phone Captain (AAC) Adrian Markson on 0458-643-313 for further information.

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