Step Right Up for Funding Open Now for Crown Reserves

Crown land across NSW is set to be improved, after the NSW Government has reserved another $17 million to upgrade and maintain facilities across the state.

Crown land plays a significant role within NSW communities and the NSW Government is committed to providing the best facilities possible.

The Crown Reserves Improvement Fund will support upgrades to facilities used by organisations that are at the heart of our communities, like surf lifesaving clubs, showgrounds, scouts and girl guide groups, pony clubs and PCYC.

These grants will help communities as they get back on their feet, by funding improvements to community, recreational and tourism facilities on Crown reserves, while also supporting local businesses and economies within our great regions.

Grant applications are open to Crown land reserve managers including local councils, community groups who use Crown land and all showgrounds, so I strongly encourage eligible local organisations to apply.

Eligible applicants include community groups who use Crown land, and all showgrounds including those on freehold land, for projects that can deliver social, cultural, environmental or economic benefits.

Applications for this year’s NSW Government’s Crown Reserves Improvement Fund are open from now until 3 June 2022.

For further information and to apply visit:


Senior Australians are being urged to stay vigilant against scams, as the total cost swindled from older consumers skyrockets to over $11 million last year.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) received 16,915 reports from seniors that had been scammed in 2021.

Online shopping scams cost Australian seniors $1.8 million last year. A common example of this is the purchase of a motor home online via fake websites.

Please be wary of any requests for money. Another red flag is being asked to transfer money via an unusual payment method such as preloaded debit cards, gift cards or virtual currency.”

Older people have worked their whole lives to make NSW the great state it is today. Anyone taking advantage of seniors should have the book thrown at them. Targeting vulnerable Australians is abhorrent behaviour.

NSW Fair Trading has a guide with up-to-date information for seniors about their consumer rights and how to deal with unscrupulous operators. To read the guide, visit:

The Aging and Disability Commission also has a range of resources available to help people better understand abuse, neglect and exploitation of older people and adults with disability. 

For more information, visit: 

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