Resources to Help Schools Commemorate Remembrance Day

A range of commemorative and educational resources will help young Australians understand the history and significance of one of the most important days on the nation’s calendar, ahead of next month’s Remembrance Day commemorations.

Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of guns falling silent on the Western Front in the First World War: the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Our nation stands in silent reflection for one minute each year to commemorate and honour those Australians who have died or suffered in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. 

To assist schools, ex-service organisations and community groups plan for 11 November, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs has prepared a Remembrance Day educational resources pack or ‘digital kitbag’ to highlight the importance of honouring Australia’s veterans and servicemen and women. 

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel Andrew Gee said the Remembrance Day pack includes a range of commemorative and educational resources about Australia’s military history. 

“The Australian Government is committed to recognising the men and women who have served and sacrificed for our nation. It is crucial to foster this tradition of recognition in order to teach our children the importance of Remembrance Day and honouring the service and sacrifice of all our veterans in a respectful and dignified manner,” Minister Gee said. 

“Some of the education products in the 2021 Remembrance Day pack focus on the experiences of Australians who were prisoners of war. A range of online and hardcopy resources, as well as posters, a calendar and a book are included in the pack. The book, Endurance: Stories of Australians in wartime captivity, is the 11th volume in the Century of Service series, and tells the stories of our men and women who became prisoners of war while serving in the armed forces. 

“In addition, an online lesson has been developed to allow students to hear directly from veterans in a unique experience designed to develop an interactive learning environment. 

“The digital pack contains all the resources required to conduct a commemorative service including an Order of Service, sample speeches, music and the Ode of Remembrance, which can be downloaded by families and community groups in the lead up to Remembrance Day. 

“Schools will begin to receive the educational pack in the coming weeks. In addition, a range of new digital resources can also be accessed now on the Anzac Portal. 

“In the lead up to Remembrance Day, I encourage all Australian schools to use these resources to expand the knowledge of our future generations and ensure we continue the important tradition of honoring all those who’ve served our country.”

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