Roving Leo: Art Show is Go!

Leo, Roving Reporter

Report from: Bathurst

Story filed: art show is go!

Hi people, Leo here. Today I am going to say that the Bathurst Young Artists art competition and exhibition I have been working on (with other BRAG Youth Arts Ambassadors committee people) for a long time has been, finished and was great! I was at the opening of the exhibition and took photos and looked at all the amazing entries. We had a special welcome from Aunty Gloria and lots of other speakers as well. The best thing was the art. I submitted a short animation called “Cat crosses the road’. It was pretty ok and at least one person said to me that they liked it. I thought the prize winners’ work was amazing and well done on being awarded a prize. I ate a lot of the finger food as I was hungry and it was good. Thanks to everyone who helped on the show and I hope all the visitors enjoyed the art.

Until next time 

Leo Roving Reporter

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