International Women’s Day 2022 – Bathurst style

Over 130 women, men and young people attended a fabulous night of reflection and entertainment held at Rydges Mount Panorama Bathurst on 8 March to celebrate IWD 2022.  

Keynote speaker Jane Caro AM delivered an engaging and passionate presentation.  As a social commentator, staunch feminist and author of the Accidental Feminist, Jane spoke of key milestones that paved the way for younger women, the most recent being the #metoo movement.  

Miss Betty Confetti added colour and pizazz, delivering an entertaining IWD address.  She invited the audience to reflect on the women in their lives who shaped the person they have become today.  

Miss Betty said, “It was my great honour and privilege as a local member of the LGBTQIA+ community, to be the fabulous host for the evening and to #breakthebias.”  

The event was facilitated by Central West Women’s Health Centre in partnership with Bathurst Regional Council and the Bathurst Family Violence Community Action Network. 

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