Got a message you need to get out to the community? send an email to and we will add it here for you and in our next print edition where possible.
This service is sponsored by our friends at EnergyAustralia, who are just as passionate about the local community as we are!

Central West Girl Guides and TGW Scouts Region Commemoration and Presentation Service.
Date: 19th August 2023
Start: 10.30am
Estimated Finish: 12.00pm (depending on number of awards presented).
Service held by: Very Rev Fr James Hudson Dean All Saints
Cathedral and Rev Fr Tony Hennessy Goal Chaplin.
Location: All Saints Cathedral Bathurst – 12 Church Street Bathurst.
Dress Code: Smart Casual
Awards Presented: If you would like any awards presented, please advise name, award and who will undertake the presentation by the 1st of August.
We are inviting all Sections from Groups, Rover Units, Fellowship, Girl Guides Units, Friends, and Families of TGW Scouts and Central West Girl Guides.
We will have Smoking Ceremony done by Elders of the Wiradjuri first Nations People, which will be done outside of the Cathedral. This will be done first at 10.30am and after will be unveiling and dedicating of a bronze plaque acknowledging the original founders of 3rd Bathurst (All Saints Cathedral) Scout Group and Rover Scout Unit who were both veterans of WW1 & WW2 at the memorial wall side of the Cathedral.
We have a number of special quests invited in so far and these include. including the Wiradjuri Elders, Mayor of Bathurst, NSW MP Bathurst, Federal MP Calare, NSW Branch Commissioner for Rovers, and NSW Branch Commissioner for Heritage.
The awards will be done at the end of Service.
If you have any questions, please e-mail Paul. Hennessy or ring
Paul Hennessy on 0432 563 579.
Bathurst U3A
A pre term start Morning Tea is being held at Bathurst Panthers 10:30 am Wed. 12 July (at own cost}.
Catch up before restart on Monday 17 July. Keep active socially, physically and mentally for a happy long life.
Lithgow Probus Club meets twice a month, 3rd Wednesday 10 am at Lithgow Workmen’s Club and 4th Thursday 12midday in various locations.
For more information phone Patsy on 6352 1948
Wrap with Love – Knitting Day and Rug Display
A Knitting day and display of rugs made for Wrap with Love will be held
on Tuesday 11 July 2023 from 10am to 3pm at the
Order of the Eastern Star Hall, 225 George St, Bathurst.
All knitters and crocheters welcome to attend to share tips and patterns,
view the rugs made in the last few months and find out more about the Wrap with Love charity.
Tea/coffee and light refreshments provided – no charge.
Contact Marilyn (6331 7089) for more details.
For more information about this charity –
This page is sponsored by here on our website and in the print edition