More ADF Vax Clinics for Calare!

The ADF will be setting up pop-up vaccination clinics in four more locations across the Calare electorate. 

Next week, ADF Vaccination Outreach Teams will be visiting Oberon, Molong, Blayney and Manildra to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. 

At this stage, the clinics will run next month in Oberon from the 5th to the 6th , Molong from the 5th to 7th, Blayney from the 7th to the 9th , and Manildra from the 8th to the 9th of October. 

Federal Member for Calare and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Andrew Gee, said the expansion of the program to more Central West locations will supercharge rates of vaccination in the region. 

“From day one of the first ADF-run vaccination clinic in Western NSW, back in late August, rates of vaccination across our region have surged, with tens of thousands of people rolling up their sleeves at these clinics to get the jab,” said Minister Gee. 

“The impact of the ADF in the vaccine rollout across our country communities can not be underestimated, with more than 41,000 jabs delivered by members of the Australian Army, Navy, and Air Force over the past month. 

“Now, even more people in our region will get the chance to walk-in to one of these clinics and get their jab, with the ADF set to march into Oberon, Molong, Blayney and Manildra next week. 

“First dose figures for the Calare electorate are already towering above other regional areas across the state. Now, with these 4 locations added to the itinerary, the sky’s the limit for local vaccination rates! 

“Blayney, Cabonne and Oberon Local Government Areas (LGAs) have strong numbers of first dose vaccination, with more than 80% of eligible residents already on their way to being fully vaccinated. This proves residents are passionate about keeping themselves, their loved ones, and their community safe from the virus. These clinics will keep the momentum going. 

“Now that Oberon, Molong, Blayney, and Manildra have been added to the ADF’s tour of Western NSW, I encourage local residents who have yet to receive the jab to make the best use of a clinic when it pops-up near you. 

“With the state set to open up at 70% fully vaccinated, regional travel will again be on the cards. While it’s great that life is returning to normal, our country communities need to be ready. 

“That’s why I’m urging residents who have not yet attended an ADF clinic to get their jab, and shield themselves from the Delta variant – which does not discriminate. 

“COVID-19 vaccines are also available at many clinics, GPs and pharmacies. 

“Getting vaccinated is the quickest and surest way residents can regain their freedoms, and hit the restart button once Stay-At-Home restrictions are eased. 

“Together, let’s put the nightmare of lockdowns in the rear-view mirror!” said Mr Gee.

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