Roving Leo

Hi people, it’s Leo here. Wow, it’s the last week of the school term already. Is it just me or is this year going by quickly?

I’m really excited for the school holidays, a time to just sit back and relax. On the weekend my mum and I bought two old box brownie cameras. They’re super cool, a bit under the weather age-wise but they look like they might still work (I’m hoping that they do). One of them even came with a camera case.

Now I can add them to my small but interesting collection of old cameras. Maybe in the holidays I can see if all my cameras still work, Sadly the film required for old film cameras is very expensive, so that’s something that I’m going to have to save up for.

The first camera is a bit worse for wear as it’s a bit rusty, the lenses are dirty, the front covering is missing but we do have the back covering which has come off. but we can fix all that. The back covering says it was made in Rochester, New York.

The second camera has that classic box brownie look and is in better condition than the first. It also came with a camera case with a leather strap. It’s a Japanese made Kodak camera and it’s really cool.

Until next time 

Leo Roving, Reporter

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