COVID19 Update – Saturday

NSW has recorded its highest number of daily cases ever during the delta variant COVID outbreak with 825 new locally acquired cases recorded.

The state reported three deaths and 825 new locally acquired cases of COVID-19 on Saturday. All of Greater Sydney, including Wollongong, Central Coast, and the Blue Mountains, entered a lockdown on June 26, which has been extended for four more weeks until the end of September. In addition, 12 LGAs of concern will be subject to a curfew and unable to leave their homes between 9pm and 5am except in the case of emergencies or authorised work and exercise must be restricted to one hour per day.

A permit system for travel from Greater Sydney to regional NSW is in effect from Saturday, August 21. Lockdown restrictions in the rest of NSW are still due to lift on August 28.

Confirmation also came from Member for Bathurst Paul Toole MP that the COVID19 situation in Bathurst is continuing to grow.

“Unfortunately the situation here in Bathurst has grown more serious overnight with a member of the Bathurst Public School community testing positive for COVID. My thoughts are with all those affected and their families for whom this is very stressful,” said Minister Toole.

“While schools have remained open in a limited capacity for children of essential workers, NSW Health has assessed the situation and determined the person HAD NOT been on school grounds while infectious or had any close contact with staff or students,” confirmed the Minister.

This brings confirmed cases in the Bathurst LGA to 3.

“We need to ensure we are working together as a community to do everything possible to limit further spread – that means following the rules, staying home as much as possible, only leaving home for essential goods or work where it cannot be done at home and exercise.” said Minister Toole.

This comes after advice yesterday from Lithgow City Council last night of COVID19 fragments detected in a sewerage test. There are no confirmed active cases in Lithgow at this stage.

The message is clear: Follow public health orders, stay home unless you must absolutely leave home, get tested if you have even mild symptoms and get vaccinated in line with health advice.

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