Annual Art Competition and Sale is on!

Preparations are ramping up for Evans Arts Council’s 2022 annual Art Competition and Sale. As in previous years, the Show will run the first weekend in August in the Auditorium of Bathurst RSL Club in Rankin Street.

Evans Arts Council’s President Carol Dobson commented that “With all the turmoil of Covid in recent years, this annual event had to be cancelled. Everyone was disappointed that we couldn’t hold our annual event. Volunteers put in a lot of hours in organising this event, and then manning the desk from opening night to close on Sunday afternoon”.

The Show will be opened at 7.30 pm by Cr Margaret Hogan on Friday 5th August with doors opening at 6 pm. The Show is then open Saturday 6th August 10 am – 9 pm,  and  Sunday 7th  August, 2021 10 am – 4 pm. As well as art, the Show will feature Sculpture, Fibre Art, and Print Making. Juniors are encouraged to enter artworks and creations made from recycled materials.

This year’s Guest Artist is local Kim Bagot-Hiller. Kim is a talented print artist who specialises in detailed botanical prints which she hand cuts before printing. Kim’s work will also be available for sale for the duration of the Show.

Entries for this Show close on Friday, 22 July. Show Schedules areavailable to download through Evans Arts Council page on Facebook, Bathurst RSL or Pigments and Palettes in Russell Street. 

Evans Arts Council continues to be active for the remainder of the year through running a variety of workshops. Details of all activities can be found on their Facebook page at

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