Digital Drop-ins provide a free helping hand during Covid.

Each fortnight Lithgow City Council, in partnership with the Strengthening Business Service, part of the Australian Government Entrepreneurs’ Programme, has been providing free 30 minute online masterclasses for local business owners to become equipped with the appropriate skills and resources needed to manage complex economic environments with confidence, now and in the future.

Lithgow City Council Mayor, Ray Thompson said Council is committed to supporting the local business community through difficult times, and ensure they are well positioned to adapt to changing environments.

“Our primary focus has been to assist local businesses to recover from challenges impacting the LGA, whether it be a natural crisis such as a bushfire or flood, or COVID-19.”

The Digital drop-ins provide opportunity for participants to connect with likeminded fellow business operators to focus on achieving business goals while increasing their online offerings.

“There are many local businesses that have adapted by finding new and innovative ways to continue to provide quality products and services to our community. We want to support businesses to be on the front foot in learning and applying these skills and information for use in their business models,” Mayor Thompson said.

“We encourage local business owners, not-for-profits and individuals to participate in these engaging sessions and we look forward to facilitating and supporting more learning opportunities for owners and groups in our community in future.”

These Digital drop-in sessions are held on zoom. For more information visit

For more information on how the program can transform your business, visit

The workshop series is proudly funded by the NSW Government.

About Entrepreneurs’ Program

The Entrepreneurs’ Program employs a national network of business experts to help Australian businesses to grow, innovate and commercialize to boost jobs, profits, exports and resilience. Under the Entrepreneurs’ Program, Strengthening Business supports businesses in fire-affected communities to rebuild, transform and adapt following the bushfire crisis and resulting changes in their local marketplace. A facilitator will work with businesses to provide mentorship and develop a roadmap, identifying the immediate, medium and long-term challenges and opportunities. The Entrepreneurs’ Program is funded and supported by the Australian Government and delivered in partnership with delivery partners. Business Australia is the delivery partner for NSW and ACT.

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