Exciting Developments at Cooinda

Since taking over Cooinda Aged Care home (formerly Lithgow Aged Care) in April, Respect has conducted an extensive review into the operations of the home to unearth what the major factors causing the history of non-compliance at the home have been. Our number one priority is the safety, health and wellbeing of the residents. 

One of the major issues with the home is the current condition and standard of the Tanderra building, which is currently home to 21 residents. Tanderra was originally constructed in 1991, and the aged care standards have changed a lot from this time, so that now the building has reached a stage where significant works are required to bring it up to modern standards. Therefore we have made the decision to close this building, to ensure that we can provide residents with the best possible environment. 

The residents that are currently living in Tanderra will all be re-homed on-site at Cooinda aged care, either in a room in one of the existing buildings or the brand new building that is due to be opened in the coming weeks. New General Manager, Zeina Ormond, has been busily coordinating the resident moves and noted that the feedback from residents and families has been positive. 

“The families have been extremely supportive, it’s an exciting time. We have some residents moving into the new building, with the remainder having been allocated their own private room in Cooinda. The journey begins today for 2 residents moving to Gillard.” 

According to Beverley, the representative for the residents in Tanderra,  

“It’s sad to say goodbye to Tanderra, but we are really looking forward to a new beginning and journey at Cooinda.” Bev will be moving the week of the 21st June 2021. 

Respect Property and Sales Manager Michael Griffin said, 

“The new building was completed 12 months ago, but due to the accreditation issued faced by the previous operators, it is yet to be used for residents. We are excited to be able to start moving residents in the new building over the coming weeks, as it is in an extremely impressive building that represents an exciting design and fit out.  Once we have re-settled all of the current residents, we will be in a position to take new residents in the improved facility.”

“There was a great deal of development planning done by the previous operators, and we are currently working on a site masterplan to determine what is the most efficient and effective vision for the site. The decision as to what happens to the Tanderra building will form part of the masterplan, but we feel that there is certainly potential for it to be transformed and used in the future.”

A recent visit from the accreditation auditors revealed that a great deal of progress had been made in a short time at the home, and although there is still a lot of work to be done, the future looks bright for Cooinda. 

Supplied by Respect

Respect Aged Care is a not for profit organisation providing residential aged care services across New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria.  Our homes are now in thirteen communities across Australia and we employ approximately 1000 employees.  To learn more visit www.respect.com.au 

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