When you get a bit older, birthdays can start to slip by without too much fuss. You forget how many candles are meant to be on the cake, and the excitement of the day can feel a bit less… well, urgent.
But earlier this month, we hit a milestone worth celebrating – the Central West Village Voice turned 11.
That’s 11 years of sharing good news across the region. And while we’ve had our fair share of ups and downs over that time, we reckon we’re now in our best years yet.
These days, the Village Voice covers four local government areas – and we’re proud to say our distribution and reach is bigger than any other local publication. More importantly, we hear from readers and advertisers every week telling us that the paper makes a real difference. One great moment recently – our friends at NBN told us people were turning up to their info sessions with event cut-outs from the paper in hand. Now that’s the kind of feedback that keeps us going.
We know this is a pivotal time for our region. There’s a lot happening, and not all of it is easy to make sense of. That’s why we see our job as twofold: sharing factual, balanced information you can trust – and making sure all the good stuff gets the attention it deserves.
Because let’s face it, the world’s feeling a bit strange lately. Even at a local level, politics is playing out in new and unexpected ways. But through it all, we’ll keep doing what we do best: shining a light on the positive stories, the community wins, and the moments that make this place special.
It’s just in our nature. We believe you get what you focus on – and who couldn’t use a little more good news in their life right now?
So, here’s to 11 years of the Village Voice. Thanks for reading, supporting, contributing, and sharing in this journey with us. We’re looking forward to what comes next.
Pictured: The first ever issue of The Village Voice – hot off the presses in 2014