With the first flush of mushrooms popping up in NSW, concerns are rising about the dangers of eating wild mushrooms without proper identification.
Imagine walking in the forest, learning to confidently identify edible mushrooms with not one, but two of Australia’s leading mushroom experts who will also check your basket before you take it home to share with your loved ones.
Diego Bonetto and Alison Pouliot will run a series of masterclasses in the Blue Mountains region, offering a rare opportunity for edible mushroom enthusiasts to learn how to identify, harvest, prepare, and cook the seasonal abundance available for free in the local State Forests. The learning experience will cover issues of safety, sustainability, ecological stewardship, ethics, and the legalities of harvesting wild mushrooms. A tasting of freshly cooked wild mushrooms, prepared by Marnee Fox of Forage to Feast, will also be offered.
Alison Pouliot is arguably one of the most knowledgeable people in Australia when it comes to wild mushrooms. Her book, Wild Mushrooming, is the go-to guide for anyone wanting to investigate how to identify, collect, and eat wild mushrooms in Australia. A renowned ecologist and environmental photographer, Alison has dedicated over two decades to the study and appreciation of fungi. Splitting her time between the northern and southern hemispheres, she ensures she experiences two autumns each year, maximising her exposure to the diverse world of fungi. Her extensive work includes conducting workshops, seminars, and publishing articles and books on fungi. Alison will be in NSW during April and May, promoting her new book, Funga Obscura.

Diego Bonetto has been pioneering edible mushroom workshops in NSW, empowering people with the ancient skills of foraging for food for over 20 years. A wild edibles advocate, he is most famous for his urban foraging workshops. Building on the knowledge acquired while growing up on a farm in Italy, Diego introduces people to the ever-present food and medicinal plants that surround us. He collaborates extensively with chefs, herbalists, environmentalists, and cultural workers, promoting a new understanding of what the environment has to offer. Diego is the author of the bestselling book Eat Weeds: A Field Guide to Foraging.
The workshops will be held on Saturday, April 26; Sunday, April 27; and Tuesday, April 29. Tickets are available at diegobonetto.com/shop.