Portland Pool is Almost Ready to Go for the Season.


After a successful working bee on Sunday 12 November, the Portland Olympic Pool is almost ready to go for the 23/24 season.

The committee would like to thank the community members who came and volunteered their time on the maintenance and cleaning jobs on the working bee day to get the pool looking great for the season.

The official opening date is set for Monday, 27 November – depending on the weather.

As in previous years, the Pool is run by the community for the community, and all gate entry fees go towards the running of the pool and the ongoing maintenance and repairs necessary.

“The pool is over 60 years old now, and it is still community-owned,” said Shane Taylor, President of the committee.

“We will need to continue to upgrade the pool running equipment in the coming years so we we need everyone to come down and swim throughout the season so we can continue to run the pool independently,” said Shane.

“When we have wet weather or cold days, and we choose to close, people need to understand that if we have staff on duty and no swimmers coming in, the pool loses money, which means we find it harder to run the pool the way it has always been run.” Said Shane.

For all the information about pool opening times, entry fees and any upcoming events, see the Pool’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/portlandpool

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