Blayney Shire Business Chamber

Blayney Shire business people turned out in force for the inaugural activity of the newly-registered Blayney Shire Business Chamber.

Your Blueprint for Business, funded by a NSW Small Business Month grant and auspiced by the Blayney Shire Council, featured guest speaker Danica Bunch sharing her insights on PR for small business.  In particular, Danica explained how local business owners could extend their reach and attract new customers through collaboration with other businesses to create a unique offer.

Danica elaborated with critical success factors for business owners, including knowing your customer, telling your story and getting out of your comfort zone to introduce yourself – and your business – to at least one new connection per month. Those attending wasted no time in doing this, with the Blayney Community Centre abuzz with introductions and chat as the networking session continued well into the evening.

Free PR coaching sessions were won by three lucky door prize recipients. The next step for the Chamber is for the Steering Committee to schedule quarterly events across the shire and to establish a platform for providing informal support to one another.

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