Drought Conditions Looming

The Central Tablelands including much of the Mid-Western LGA, Lithgow LGA and parts of the Bathurst and Oberon LGAs have been declared drought affected by the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) this week.

So far, over 58% of the region has been affected by a lack of rainfall and 30% of the state is in a declared state of drought. The DPI has reported drought conditions are continuing to intensify and are impacting large areas of central, eastern and northern NSW.

Producers and members of rural communities are encouraged to maintain contact with their local professionals who can facilitate access to appropriate support. Local Land Services can provide technical support including animal nutrition and management advice. Visit DroughtHub for support resources including business planning at: droughthub.nsw.gov.au.

Good Luck Year 12

The High School Certificate exams begin this Wednesday with all students completing the English standard papers.

I wish every student across the electorate all the best in their studies and exams so that they may finish school having done their best and proud of their achievements.

Whilst the HSC is an important rite of passage to end any one’s high school education and for some a steppingstone to university, it is important to remember it is not the be all and end all.  There are many pathways to a rewarding and successful career that do not involve the mark a student receives at the end of the HSC.

To the students, I congratulate them on completing their schooling careers and wish them well on their future endeavors. I also remind them that this is just the beginning and encourage them to savor the moment of graduating before taking on the world to become whoever they wish to be.

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