Generation Vape

There is rising concern for amount of e-cigarette use specifically in our young people.

I recently met with the Cancer Council NSW to discuss new data that shows a drastic increase in 16- to 24-year-olds trying e-cigarettes or vapes.

Over 18% of people aged over 16 have tried vapes but the impact of even one taste inhaling the vapour these devices produce can result in poising, seizures, burns and lung disease.

In NSW, e-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine are legal but since 1 October 2021 e-cigarettes and e-liquids containing nicotine are available only with a valid prescription. Adults can buy and use e-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine. However, under the NSW Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2008, it is illegal to sell e-cigarettes or e-cigarette accessories to a person under 18 years of age.

The research conducted by Cancer Council NSW found young people were accessing addictive nicotine vapes via friends dealing them in the school playground and retail stockists illegally selling nicotine or non-nicotine vapes to under aged children.

Cancer Council NSW know all to well the devastating consequences of using these products and have been advocating for stronger action towards to reduce smoking and vaping.

The effects of vaping on the lungs are irreversible and will create even more of a burden on our health system as young people present to hospitals and GPs unable to breathe. I urge the NSW Government to consider implementing more of the Cancer Council’s recommendations to deter young people from vaping and ban all single use, disposable vapes.  

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