Greenspot and Emirates breathe new life into heritage-listed Wallerawang Schoolhouse

Emirates One&Only Wolgan Valley Resort is using the refurbished Schoolhouse as a concierge and transport transition point for guests while a new solution is found for access to the Valley

WALLERAWANG, NSW – 8 May 2023.  Greenspot and Emirates One&Only Wolgan Valley Resort have jointly announced the arrangement they have reached for Emirates to use the heritage-listed Wallerawang Schoolhouse as a concierge and transport transition point for guests staying at the resort.

In November 2022, Wolgan Road was closed to all traffic due to a major landslip.  The event has impacted all businesses and residents in Wolgan Valley. 

Under the arrangement, Emirates has refurbished the Wallerawang Schoolhouse on the Greenspot site on Main Street, Wallerawang and has been welcoming guests to the premises since April 2023.  Guests are then transported down to the resort and back in four-wheel drive vehicles.

The National Trust of Australia states that the Schoolhouse dates from 1862 and ‘is reputed to be the oldest remaining building in the Wallerawang area’.  It is described as ‘a rare surviving example of a small Gothic Revival style school’ and ‘a distinctive historic landmark, emblematic of the district, providing a reminder of its rural past’.

When looking at refurbishing the building for its current use, both Greenspot and Emirates approached the task with a high degree of sensitivity given its historical significance.

“The closure of Wolgan Road has had a significant impact on residents and businesses in the Valley and we are conscious that a number of people and organisations have played a part in the response.  We have been involved in that response in a number of ways and, as part of that, we have been pleased to work quickly with the Emirates team to find this solution for them”, said Greenspot Development Manager Malcolm Macleod.  

“Respectful repurposing of the Schoolhouse has always been in our long-term plans.  The arrangement with Emirates has provided an early opportunity for adaptive re-use of this very significant building.”

Emirates One&Only Wolgan Valley Resort General Manager Tim Stanhope said that the arrangement has been extremely important for the resort. “The idea of repurposing a heritage building and giving it new life speaks to the sustainable values of Emirates One&Only Wolgan Valley. We were delighted to partner with Greenspot on the project, restoring the beautiful Wallerawang Schoolhouse as a meeting place for our guests.  The joint initiative has enabled us to continue to operate and showcase the area’s extraordinary natural beauty and maintain local jobs as part of the visitor economy. It has been a great collaboration.”

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