Attracting new businesses and residents to the Lithgow region

The Lithgow Business & Lifestyle Expo being held on 6 & 7 May at The Foundations Portland is the first large-scale drawcard to be held in the Lithgow Seven Valleys region to attract new small businesses and new residents to the area. 

The Expo is hosting a large-number of local businesses and lifestyle groups including charities, sporting clubs and cultural groups to help showcase what the Lithgow Region has to offer to potential new residents and businesses from Greater Sydney and Regional NSW who may be thinking of a tree change.

The Expo will feature two days of – 

  • Baby Moos for the kids
  • Local community groups
  • Live Music
  • Local artists on exhibit at The Annexe
  • Lifestyle & health services in the region
  • Speciality retail shops from the Lithgow region
  • Work and training opportunities with local employers

There will be Food and drinks available at the site over the two day period

This is the largest business and lifestyle event to be held in the Lithgow region. 

The Business and Lifestyle Expo involves an extensive media campaign promoting the Lithgow Region in Greater Sydney and Regional NSW. The campaign, designed to attract new residents and businesses into our region was launched  on the 22 March through a Sydney metro train campaign. This was followed by a Sydney metro and Regional NSW bus campaign on 3 April and the Nine Now Streaming TV, TV commercial campaign with banner ads on which started on 10 April. The campaign will finally be followed by the Greater Sydney Smooth FM radio campaign running for 10 days from 28 April until 7 May. 

The campaign is driving potential new residents and visitors to the new Chamber website called  – which is part of the longer term live. work. play. campaign.  The new website will remain separate to the Chamber website and will be directed to people considering a tree change. 

Vice-President of the Chamber Steve Ring said “The Lithgow Seven Valleys region has for a long time needed a campaign and a drawcard to attract new residents to the region. As the young miners and families have been leaving the region over the years, we’ve needed new blood to come into the region to  ensure that the region continues to grow and to diversify its economic base. Bathurst has been running a new residents campaign for over 10 years now so it’s great that we can finally throw in our hats and attract new residents to our region as well.”

“The benefits of the Lithgow Seven Valleys region are: its proximity to the Sydney CBD; its housing affordability; its natural beauty; its proximity to the new Western Sydney Airport and its lifestyle activities. All of which we’re promoting through the live. work. play. campaign and the new website,” he said.

The Chamber is encouraging the entire community from the Lithgow LGA region to get behind the Expo and to bring their family and friends from across NSW and Greater Sydney to visit the region during the weekend of 6 & 7 May.  The Chamber is sure everyone attending will discover something new about the region at the Expo that they didn’t know about before.

Event details 

Lithgow Region Business & Lifestyle Expo 2023

The Foundations Portland

6-7 May, 2023 

Sat & Sun – 10am – 4pm

The Lithgow Regional Business and Lifestyle Expo 2023 is part of the Revive Regional Business in Lithgow project that has been funded under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund, co-funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.

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