Resources for Regions delivers for Lithgow

Lithgow City Council is one of 24 councils who benefit from Round Nine of the NSW Government’s Resources for Regions Program

Deputy Premier and Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said Resources for Regions has delivered 355 projects worth $560 million to mining communities since its inception in 2012, stimulating local economies and delivering critical infrastructure.

“The Resources for Regions program is about giving back to these mining communities that contribute so much to the NSW economy,” Mr Toole said.

In the most recent round, over $5 million has been distributed amongst six projects in the Lithgow region. They are as follows. 

  • $1,426,147 for stormwater drainage improvements in Main and Cupro Street.
    New box culvets, inlets and triplication of the subsurface drainage at the intersection of Main and Curpro Street will reduce flooding events and improve the resilience of this busy intersection. 
  • $200,000 for the replacement of Geordie Street Causeway with a bridge. 
    A feasibility analysis and detailed design will be completed for a concrete, single span bridge to replace the existing concrete causeway on Geordie Street, Lithgow. 
  • $1,800,000 for regional road safety improvements. 
    High-priority roads will be reconstructed and upgraded. 
  • $500,000 for sewer main relining. 
    Sewer mains across the sewer network will be relined to extend the life of existing assets. 
  • $411,961 for completion of ABCD Community Hall. 
    Bell, Clarence and Dargan’s new community hall will be completed to lock up stage. This hall will be a first for the community and comes as an initiative after the 2019 bushfires. 
  • $672,375 for Portland Central School park project. 
    The Portland Central Park project is a complete redesign of the recreation space at Portland Central School. The new park will be open to not only students of the school but also the wider community making Portal Central Park the new place to be. 

Mr Toole said the support from the NSW Government will make the Lithgow community an even better place to live.  

“The redeveloped park at Portland Central School will give young people and children a place to go, hang out and play outside of school hours and in holiday times,” Mr Toole said. 

“The upgrades to roads and intersection will improve routes that locals use every day, making journeys more efficient, and more reliable.

 “The funding of all these projects is great news for the region and I am thrilled the Liberals and Nationals in Government are able to show an ongoing commitment to delivering projects that benefit our community, and contribute to our local economy.” 

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