Sell out Production Returns to Bathurst Winter Festival with All New Show, Called Jazz!

With the return of the Bathurst Winter Festival comes a range of events and activities, none more sought after or exciting as local dancer and producer Lauren Wilkins’ all new show – Jazz!

Off the back of the hugely successful Let’s Misbehave in December, Lauren returns to the Bathurst stage with more old world charm, fun and vibrancy that is sure to dazzle and entertain guests new and returning.

With 3 shows across 2 days on the 8th and 9th of July, the new show Jazz! will be performed once again the beautiful Keystone 1889 on Keppel St.

Regarding the new show, Lauren had this to say “I can’t wait to bring the show to Bathurst. We have an all new lineup of numbers to perform with an even expanded range of entertainers including more music, singing, fire and of course Cabaret!”

“We’re also performing the show in an all new format that will make it more affordable for our guests to attemd and more engaging”

Early bird tickets are on sale via the Keystone website, simply Google Keystone 1889 to purchase your tickets today, and for more information visit

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