Wallerawang No.1 Sewerage Pumping Station renewal

Toilets are flushed, sinks drained and showers can be taken without much regard for what happens with the wastewaters.

But Lithgow City Council is focused on this issue because good sewerage infrastructure not only supports the daily lives of people and a city’s operation and growth, it also safeguards the environment. 

Wallerawang’s sewerage infrastructure is currently undergoing important renewal works to cope with additional flows from new development in Wallerawang. The upgrade will deliver more efficient equipment which will reduce the running costs of the plant and provide greater storage volumes in the case of emergencies and shutdowns. This is better for the environment, as well as being more cost-effective

A new, larger well, is currently being constructed with increased emergency storage and a new valve configuration which will improve operations and ensure the plant is operating to modern standards. 

The project is currently running on time for completion at end of June 2022 and will be delivered under budget.

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