Lithgow Library Closures – 27th, 29th and 30th April

Lithgow Council has advised that the Lithgow Library, and the footpath at the front of the building, will be closed next Wednesday, 27th Friday 29th and Saturday 30th April 2022.

Due to the ongoing building works being undertaken at Lithgow Library, the Library and adjoining footpath will be closed on these dates to allow welding works to be undertaken and scaffolding to be removed from the front of the structure.

The footpath will be closed during business hours and pedestrians will be required to walk around the rear of the library building. Clear signage will be in place to direct foot traffic during the period of disruption.

These closure dates are subject to weather conditions and Council will endeavor to advise the community of any changes as soon as possible.

The Library exterior works will be completed shortly, with completion of the overall works now scheduled for late-May. The new design is now starting to take shape, with genuine ‘Lithgow bricks’ being utilised to tie the design in with Lithgow’s rich heritage. Council is excited to deliver the completed project to the community.

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