Bathurst Regional Art Gallery Seeks New Volunteers

With Covid restrictions easing the volunteer groups which support the Bathurst Regional Art Gallery are all eagerly seeking new members.

If you are interested in meeting new and like-minded people and have an interest in art, then volunteering at the Bathurst Regional Art Gallery (BRAG) may be a great opportunity for you.

BRAG has a strong base of volunteers dedicated to its support in a variety of roles: Bathurst Regional Art Gallery Society (BRAGS Inc.) focuses on organising events and fundraising; Volunteer Gallery Guides who engage visitors and community groups to enhance their enjoyment of exhibitions; and Front of House volunteers who greet all visitors to the Gallery.

If you would like to find out more about these volunteering opportunities an Information Afternoon Tea will be held at the Art Gallery:

DATE: Thursday 5 May


RSVP: Jo Dicksen on 6333 6555

Gallery Guide Coordinator Denise Payne is enthusiastic about volunteering as a guide: “The Art Gallery provides a fantastic way to meet new people and discuss art. With each new exhibition there are new groups and visitors to engage with – there is always something more to learn.”

“We conduct tours of current exhibitions for groups such as U3A and community clubs and societies, research new acquisitions, and maintain records of works in BRAG’s Permanent Collection which now contains over 2,000 items.”

If you would like to find out more about how you can become a volunteer at your local regional art gallery, come along to afternoon tea at BRAG on Thursday 5th May at 3.30pm. Contact Jo Dicksen on 6333 6555 to RSVP.

IMAGE SUPPLIED: BRAG Gallery Guides (L to R): Kerry Mahoney, Jan White, Denise Payne, Judith Nash, Diane and Tony Thurling

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