Bathurst Combined Probus Club

The youngest Probus Club in Bathurst recently held their third Changeover Lunch at Panthers Bathurst, welcoming their new President, Ingrid Pearson, and members of the 2022 Committee to steer the Club through a (hopefully) more settled year. 

The Club has been fortunate to have weathered the Covid-19 pandemic over the past two years using technology to remain in touch with its members. Once restrictions were lifted, regular meetings returned, and outings resumed including member breakfasts at cafés, high tea gatherings, and attendance at streamed National Theatre Live and The Met Opera performances at Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre. Day trips and visits to other places of interest are being planned this year. 

Despite Covid-19, club membership has remained strong growing to over 90 to date. But there is room for more, and the Club welcomes new members. 

Bathurst Probus Combined Club meets at 10.30am on every third Tuesday of each month at Panthers Bathurst, 132 Piper Street, Bathurst. 

Members join Probus for fun, fellowship, and friendship. Members and their guests are most welcome to participate in our Club’s activities and outings.

Find out more by contacting Ingrid Pearson, President on 0418 228 766, or email

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