Bathurst Autumn Colours Launched for 2022

Bathurst Regional  Council had its official opening for the annual Autumn Colours Program last Thursday at the Bathurst Visitors Information Centre. In attendance was Mayor Robert Taylor, Councillors Marg Hogan and Graeme Hanger as well a host of Council representatives and local stakeholders involved with the upcoming events.

The Autumn Colours program consists of over 20 individual events including lectures, historical educational evenings, tourist drives, guided tours and high tea’s – all kicking off Thursday 17th March for the 9th Theo Barker Memorial Lecture at BMEC from 6pm (free but be sure to book your seat).

Manager for Tourism & Visitor Services, Daniel Cove, welcomed guests to the launch and was excited to mention that there are different tours and fresh new activities happening, not the same stories from previous years. Dan also commented that with some of the modelling he and team have made shows that over $250,000 in revenue is generated in Bathurst from the events. 

Mayor Taylor said “The Autumn Colours program has been running since 1998 and will this year see over 31 tours during the 8 week event. We would like to thank the many volunteers that make this possible and we are so grateful for their support.”

Chris Morgan from Abercrombie House, who was also in attendance said “It is so wonderful to see the fusion of the modern, vibrant and progressive region combined with the footprint of our history with this program and events”.

Also happening during this time will the the Bathurst Arts Trail on the first weekend of each month being the 2nd & 3rd April and 7th & 8th May at various locations. 

And if that wasn’t enough to get out to see – be sure to check out the annual Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail over the weekend of the 9th & 10th April. Something for every one to enjoy! For more information of any of these fantastic events and to get your tickets, check out the website

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