Quota Lithgow News February 2022

To begin our year this year we commenced with breakfast at the home of Don and Jenny Lovett. 

We were pleasantly surprised at the outcome of our Craft Fair held on the week-end of 10th and 11th of December, 25 Stall holders participated, this being due to having to use a much larger facility, the Civic ballroom, due to Covid-19 rules and regulations of social distancing. 

The stalls ranged from candles, plants, gorgeously decorated eggs, children’s clothing, Christmas decorations, Quilts, woodwork you name it, it was there.  All the hard yards were put in by the Chairperson of the organizing committee Carol Marsland and her committee members, when it was time to begin the setting up of the venue all Quotarians and some husbands put in a helping hand.  We always need someone to do the heavy lifting.  Friday night was opening night with guests served champagne and orange juice with beautiful finger food.  President Joy Smith welcomed everyone present and invited or local radio station announcer Pete Watson to open the craft fair, he gave a run down on his life and how he came to Lithgow to work at Radio Station 2LT, which everyone enjoyed, he was then thanked and presented with a Darrell Lea bag of goodies by Past President Noela Williams.  Saturday the Fair was open to the public to do some Christmas shopping and enjoy morning tea and lunch at our Quota Café, served by our members.

This year Quota Lithgow will be celebrating their 70th Birthday on 8th March.  The club was chartered at Quota International Inc. on 8th March 1952, then in 2020 Quota International dissolved due to lack of membership.  After this all clubs who wished to continue had to organize their own registration as a club to continue.  At present Quota Lithgow have 24 members who work together for the betterment of Disadvantage Women and Children and the Hard of hearing, Deaf and Speech Impaired Individuals in our local community, while also supporting other organizations.

Sunday the 13th some of our members are participating in a Walk for Dementia while the non -walkers are going to enjoy watching them while having morning tea on the lawn or if raining will be in the Grand Stand.  Members will be participating in Clean up Australia Day, in March, at Quota Park.

Quota meets on the First Tuesday night of the month which is a Social Night the third Tuesday night of the month is a Business night, if anyone would like to join we can be contacted by phoning Vice President Marilyn on 0418 418 594 who is our Development and Growth Officer.

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