Greater Lithgow Arts Council Inc Awards

The Greater Lithgow Arts Council Inc held their regular meeting to present their nominations and awards for January and February. 

For January, Kylie Pearce was nominated for her roll in Acting in Les Miserables and received an award for her talent as playing ” Madame Thenardien” in Les Miserable, as well as her many other’s roles for the Lithgow Musical Society. The second nomination for her role in Acting in Les Miserables, went to Meegan Day, who also has had many leading rolle with Lithgow Musical Society. Meegan played in ” Les Miserable ” as a Factory Girl and in the Chorus. The GLAC Inc encourages Meegan to continue in your love for your Acting career. 

Nomination and award for the 8th February meeting were presented to Alan George for his roll in “Les Miserable ” as playing the roles ” Jaljean. Job well done Alan. The second nomination for a very well outstanding went to The Lithgow Musical Society for their well deserved producing to the Cast and Crew for their roleds in ” Les Miserable “. It was an excellent show, under a very difficult time due to Coved lockdown. Congratulations to you all.        

Further to events now happening again in our regions – the Lithgow and Districts Annual Gala & Cultural Awards for 2022 will be held on the 8th April at the Lithgow Workies Club in Tank Street at 7.30 in the show room. For more information, please contact our Secretary Wendy Barrett on 0409043374.  

The Greater Lithgow Arts Council Inc hold their monthly meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, at the Notre Dam University in Col Drewe Drive at 7.00pm. All are welcome. 

1st L/R is President Rae Burton and Professor Dr John Dearin and Alan George Certificate for ” Jaljean ” roll. 

2nd was L/R

Professor Dr John Dearin with Wendy Barett on receiving on behalf of the Lithgow Musical Society, ” Les Miserable ” and to the Cast and Crew. Well done.

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