Rydal Show 2022

The 99th Annual Rydal Show was held on Saturday 5th February and was a huge success. After having to cancel due to Covid 19 in 2021 we were very excited to be back this year.

We had a huge crowd through the gate and even though the weather was a little wet this didn’t deter anyone. Our gate keeper and helpers were kept busy pulling cars and floats out of a few boggy patches, but this just added to the fun of the day.

Entries were up in most sections, particularly needlework and cookery. Lock downs over the past 2 years due to covid 19 seems to have given people lots of time to do needlework and handicrafts and to practice their cooking skills. There was a great display of beautiful flowers and despite the very wet growing season there were some nice-looking vegetables and fruit entered.

All our animal exhibits including the ring were very popular with horse numbers up on our 2020 show which was pleasing given the wet weather. The ring has not looked so good in years. The Topsy Turvy ring for our youngest riders was very popular with lots of ribbons awarded and a bag of lollies to top off their show day.

Andrew from Live Reptile Displays was very popular with his snakes, lizards and a crocodile. It was standing room only around the pit during his shows. The variety of other stalls seemed to all be doing a roaring trade as did George with his amusement rides.

The kitchen, under a new takeaway only format this year to help lessen the covid 19 risk, proved popular although the lovey hot sit-down dinners were missed. The bar and the kiosk also did a brisk trade.

Life membership was awarded to Helen and David Black for their many years of volunteer work with the show society, with Helen running the needlework section for many years and David looking after our finances for at least 20 years. Sarah Martin was awarded the RAS medal for her long-term support and work with the show society and Bridget Hadley was awarded the Nex Gen Ribbon, which is given to a young person for their efforts in helping put on the show.

We had three lovely ladies enter our showgirl competition with Ms Elizabeth Tracy being sashed as our 2022 Rydal Showgirl. Thanks also go to Lucy Bennett and Daisy Meadows for taking part in our showgirl competition.

We would like to thank Paul Toole and the State Government for funding given to us under the Country Shows Support Package, which allowed us to purchase equipment and services to both hold the show and to comply with covid safe measures. Equipment purchased with this grant money will be of long-term benefit to the show society and help us to put on shows in future years.

The Rydal Show Society would also like to thank all our volunteers and sponsors who helped with the running of the event and would also like to thank those who came out on the day to support us.

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