Portland Australia Day

Preparations continue for the Australia Day Celebrations in Portland, which will be held on Wolgan Street from 10am to 3pm on Wednesday 26 January 2022, with the Official Ceremony to commence at 12 noon with the Flag Raising  and singing of the National Anthem with the assistance from Lithgow City Band.

Presentation of Citizenship and other awards will take place, it is anticipated that the Rowing Olympian James Chapman will be present.There will be entertainment, activities for the children and fun and games thanks to Miriam Palmer and her Group along with flags and balloons. It is anticipated that there will be an array of stalls once again, with CWA Food  and a Barbecue.

It is hoped that the community of Portland, will once again come to the fore and support their celebrations. 

Full details of the programme will be publicised, once they are finalised. Stallholders are always welcome and play an important role 

It is not too late to become involved or assist on the day and further details can be obtained by contacting John Kearns on 0409345752.

It will be appreciated that the above programme is subject to change to to uncertainty with COVID, but it is hope that we will be able to proceed, any major change to requirements or restrictions and inclement could see it moved to the Foundations Venue

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