Clients blossoming in the Mayfield Gardens

Spring has sprung and members of the Bathurst Community Mental Health Drumming Group once again came together to perform at the Mayfield Gardens. 

Bryan Billington, Bathurst Community Mental Health Peer Worker, said, “Drumming in a group has so many benefits. It’s about connection, inclusion, participation, respect and acceptance. 

“This is the first time the group has met together since the region went into lockdown. With COVID-19 restrictions easing, being able to come together again has allowed the group to focus on something completely different and enjoy some needed time out in a healing environment.” 

“The Mayfield Gardens is a property that extends over 160 acres. It is the perfect location for the consumers to meet and feel at ease and we are incredibly grateful to work in partnership with Mayfield.” 

The opportunity to perform at the gardens is possible due to Mayfield Garden owners, Chris and Alex Muldoon, reaching out to health with a desire to see their beautiful venue used to aid people’s recovery and improve their Mental Health. 

Chris Muldoon said, “My wife and I have always identified the gardens as being a helpful place for people. We were never sure how to best use the space for healing and now we are glad to be supporting the monthly drumming group. 

“It’s been a highlight for the staff at Mayfield to participate in the workshops. We look forward to seeing the drumming group members. Everyone seems to enjoy themselves immensely while the drumming is here.” 

Miao, a Community Mental Health Consumer, said “I am not a musical person, but drums are an instrument I can pick up straight away. I love its simplicity and rhythm. Spending time at Mayfield, in nature, is nurturing and healing to me. I enjoy spending time outdoors with my son and appreciate it so much.” 

The Bathurst Community Mental Health Drumming Group is part of the Community Mental Health program. The Drumming group is offered to consumers and forms part of their treatment and intervention. The group now meets monthly at the Mayfield Gardens.

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