New Exhibit after lockdown ends for Gang Gang Gallery

Gallery owner, Sharon Howard, has thrown open the doors to welcome the public back with an inspiring new exhibition called Adrift. The featured artists are Jillian Culey, Carolyn Dance, Kaylene Brooks and Michiyo Miwa.

Adrift is a collaborative exhibition focused on the amazing array of twisted, burnt, dented, discoloured and gnarled wood that gets washed onto the shores every day. Every piece has its own personality, and has been shaped by its journey through storms, currents, tides and bushfires.

Whatever happens in this universe as far as we know, everything is transient. We, humans (animals), plants, and the environment at large constantly change and are shaped by forces that remain unknown.  In the midst of this universal flow, we simply try to capture and present what we witness in the world around us at that moment of time.

The Gang Gang Gallery is located at 206 Main Street Lithgow and is open Thursdays to Sundays from 10:30am to 4:30pm. For more information speak to Sharon on 0408 514 440.

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