Local Sculptors win big at SIG

Sculptors Harrie Fasher and Nicole O’Regan have both won prizes in this year’s Sculptures in the Garden.  

Harrie was awarded the Sculptures in the Garden and Mid-Western Regional Council Acquisitive prize for her work ‘Ahead’

Pictured: Ahead by Harrie Fasher. Photo by Amber Creative
Pictured: Nicole O’Regan and Stephen
Hogan with Nicole’s work, Pensive.
Photo by Marg Hogan

Friends of Sculptures in the Garden prize was won by Harrie’s good friend and studio assistant, Nicole O’Regan for her work ‘Pensive’.

Harrie, who is based in Portland, is the artist in residence at The Foundations, and this recognition of her work adds to her already impressive list of awards.

“‘Ahead’ is our guardian.  She was intended to be the head for “Transition” the largest work I had built to date; however it was too large, meaning the finished sculpture would not fit within the confines of the studio roof!  Ahead became a work on its own right… ‘we were not behind but ahead!’,” said Harrie.

The work Transition went on to win Sculpture by the Sea in Cottesloe WA.  

Mudgee and regional NSW’s most renowned outdoor sculpture exhibition, Sculptures in The Garden, has enjoyed a hugely successful first week at ‘Rosby’ with visitors purchasing nearly 50% of the artworks available from the two-week exhibition. All works will remain on site until the end of the exhibition.

The winning acquisitions were announced by selection panellist and local Councillor, Sam Payne, on Friday evening in front of a crowd of exhibiting artists and Friends of Sculptures in the Garden.

With artists hailing from across Australia, the breadth of talent who entered the event this year was of exceptional quality and demonstrated the exhibition’s reputation as the leading sculpture event in regional Australia.

Visitors made the most of the exhibition which is a celebration of art and Mudgee. Sculptures in the Garden is a not-for-profit event, with ticket sale proceeds going directly to the Mudgee Support Group for Guide Dogs NSW/ACT. The partnership has raised over $175,000 for the charity over the last decade.

Other awards went to:

The Moolarben Acquisition prize went to artist Francoi Jaggi from Armidale for his work ‘Runner’.

The Buchanan Artistic Merit prize went to Alan Kuczynski from Seaforth for his work ‘The Great Escape’

Sculptures in the Garden runs until Sunday 21 November, tickets and details can be found on their website https://www.sculpturesinthegarden.com.au

Main Image: Harrie Fasher and Nicole O’Regan in the studio at The Foundations Portland.

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