VERTO leader Ron Maxwell in the running for top CEO award

VERTO CEO Ron Maxwell has been selected as a finalist in the prestigious Lynda Gratton CEO Award category in the 2021 Australian HR Institute (AHRI) Awards.

The Lynda Gratton CEO Award recognises CEOs who have led positive results for their organisation through best practice people management and encouraging positive culture and values.

“To be honest, I was very appreciative that the VERTO workforce deemed me a CEO worthy of nomination, but to be announced as a finalist in such a prestigious award is a very welcome surprise,” Mr Maxwell said.

“A positive organisational culture is imperative for a happy, healthy and successful workforce, especially during a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic.

“While I am the one nominated for this award, the recognition really does need to go to the wonderful staff at VERTO, who continue to deliver positive results for our organisation, but more importantly, provide life-changing services to our local communities.”

VERTO Human Resources Manager Sharna Banks, who has been with the organisation for more than two decades, described Mr Maxwell as an outstanding leader and believes this recognition is thoroughly deserved.

“Ron was fundamental in positively altering the trajectory of VERTO when he took on the position as CEO in 2014,” Ms Banks said.

“He has driven significant, positive change and win, lose or draw, we are incredibly proud of everything that Ron has achieved. The organisation is lucky to have such a hardworking and thoughtful leader who continues to drive excellence among the VERTO workforce.”

As well as being CEO of VERTO, Mr Maxwell is also Director of the National Australian Apprenticeships Association, Director of Community Colleges Australia, Director of the Independent Tertiary Education Council of Australia and is a member of the NSW Government Skills Board Advisory Group, NSW Government Smart and Skilled Advisory Group and the Federal Government National Skills Quality Council Advisory Group.

The Australian HR Institute (AHRI) Award winners will be announced during a virtual presentation on Thursday, 25 November.

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