Funding Splashed on Portland Pool

In a stroke of good fortune, Portland and District Olympic Pool will receive $52,500 under the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund. 

Portland Pool will use the funds to install inclusive access amenities and a new canteen. 

Member for Calare and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence Personnel, Andrew Gee, said the upgrades will motivate more local residents to visit the pool this season, and encourage those from further afield to take a dip in Portland.

“For more than 6 decades, the Portland Pool has provided local residents with a place to enjoy a swim in the warmer months of the year. 

“The pool is part of the fabric of Portland, built by a team of locals in 1959 who volunteered their time, resources, and I’d say a fair bit of sweat to create a swimming pool the whole town could, and can still, be proud of. 

“To this day, the pool is run by a small community of dedicated volunteers who have kept the pool running for 62 seasons – and counting! 

“That’s why I’m delighted that the Portland and District Olympic Pool will receive $52,500 to construct an accessible amenities block. 

“Because a swim at the pool isn’t complete without grabbing a cup of hot chips afterwards, part of the funds will be used to make upgrades to the canteen. 

“More and more people are discovering Portland – it’s becoming a real tourist destination, and it’s future is very bright. Investing in upgrades to local recreational infrastructure like this is an investment in the future of Portland.

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