The Bathurst Family Violence Community Action Network (BFVCAN) invites everyone to join them for Take a Walk in Their Shoes to Reclaim the Night, a fantastic evening of entertainment as the community gathers online to stand against domestic & family violence, sexual violence, and all forms of gendered violence.
This special online event, made possible thanks to funding from Women NSW, will be held on Friday 29 October 2021 from 5.30pm to 7:30pm on Zoom. Tickets are free and are available through –
There will be music provided by local musicians, a guest speaker, Arlia Fleming, and a fun night of trivia, all hosted by the fabulous Miss Betty Confetti.
“This event will showcase the power, strength and admiration I have for all women,” says Miss Betty Confetti. “I wanted to host this amazing event to thank all the fabulous women who have shaped me into the person I am today, and I encourage all young, mature and transitioning women to be their authentic and unapologetic selves at this safe and fun event.”

In the lead up to the event BFVCAN encourages everyone to enter the Take a Walk Video Clip Competition. Dress up, get creative, take a walk, film it, and share it on Facebook. For your entry to be considered you must include the statement: “I’m walking to end gendered violence”. Post your video on the Family Violence Community Action Network – Bathurst Facebook page or use #fvcantakeawalk. There are $300 worth of prizes on offer and the winners will be announced during the online event.
“We encourage the community to get behind this important cause,” says Karen Boyde, manager of Central West Women’s Health Centre and member of BFVCAN. “It’ll be a great night and together we have the power to stamp out gendered violence and create a safe environment for everyone.”
The Bathurst Family Violence Community Action Network is a collaborative partnership with members from local community service organizations, Government agencies, and community members, whose mission is to act as a consultative group responsible for raising awareness of all forms of domestic and family violence in the Bathurst Community. For more information about the BFVCAN visit the Facebook page (Family Violence Community Action Network – Bathurst) or phone Central West Women’s Health Centre on 6331 4133.