Interp returns in a light of blazing glory or something like that.

Interp magazine (formerly Interprellator), the student magazine on the CSU Bathurst campus, is back! We’re launching this Wednesday, the 15th of September, with our website, and via our online print version. We are the student voice on campus and the community, bringing you all the latest news, views, japes, scrapes, events, more events, straight to you!

Who are We: Interp in 2021

We are a group of students here on campus, mainly studying a Bachelor of Communications. We’re passionate about giving voice to stories that might get missed amongst the headlines, giving them space to breathe. But we don’t expect our audience to all be the hardcore news junkies we allegedly are. We are, without a doubt, the biggest variety show in town. We’ve got confession columns, sports recaps, cooking and recipes, deep dives into the garden; everything you need to keep yourself busy during #lockdown 2.0.


Since 1971, the magazine has been a consistent part of the landscape here at Bathurst, as important as the Village Fair and the Mungoes to the life of the uni. The unique thing about Interp is it’s unique blend of the earnest and the sordid and the insane, enjoyed every month by students on campus and by the wider community.

There’s a proud tradition of highlighting important issues in the magazine, with our storied political columnists over the years. Personalities like Andrew Denton have written for the magazine while they were students on Bathurst campus.

But there’s also been a fair share of larrikins over the years. James Jennings and David Lipson, wrote the “Dave and James Column” in Interp in the late 90s.

“Ours was a comedy column” said David Lipson, who’s now a political reporter for the ABC. “We were just trying to make fun of people, of ourselves, and other people who deserved it.”

In Print, Online and on the Socials

Interp has an incredible tradition of printing it’s magazines, and continues an important relationship with CSU Print, the on-campus printery. We’ve heard amazing stories of editors doing night runs to Sydney, bringing it back to the Foodbowl on campus, and seeing everyone coming in for breakfast and grabbing a copy to read.

But in 2021, we know there’s so many more ways to connect with our amazing audience. We’ve launched our website,, which is the home to all the latest news, columns and features from the magazine, and also the hub where we’ll link to our online print editions. We also have a strong and growing social media presence, headed up by our amazing social media team, Bria Aplin and Archie Staines.

Bria said “We want to engage our audiences wherever they are. We know that in a time where so much of our audience is primarily online, we want to be a consistent, reassuring presence. We also know that a growing number of people studying at Bathurst are studying online, so we want to make sure they can be as much a part of student life.”

“Don’t forget about our weekly Friday photo comp! Submit your photo of something around campus, or around Bathurst, and you’ll be in the running to be featured on all our socials and even in the magazine!”

A Student Voice

At a time where student unionism is dwindling to non-existent, where we are all living in different parts of the state, a united student presence can help to unite us all. Interp offers students the opportunity to voice their views and opinions on whatever topic they’re passionate about.

Having a student voice during these times allows us to all express our concerns and views in an open setting. The student voices expressed in Interp connect our community as students can read the magazine to hear about how to get help on a range of issues and are able to connect and relate to the stories being told. Furthermore, Interp offers a counter culture to the university to express our own views and ideas, this offers people more freedom to have their voice heard and acknowledged by their peers.

The new President, Joe Richards, said “The magazine will be a way to reflect and build the social life of the uni. I know it’s hard at the moment, with lockdowns and all the rest of it, but we want everyone here, whether your a first year TM (Theatre Media student) or doing third-year paramedicine, we want to be there to reflect campus life for you.”

Interp is a unique magazine which is written by students for students to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. It is through student-led initiatives that we can connect the community to hear a diverse range of views and ideas.

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