Medlow Bath Highway Design Consultation Extended

Consultation on the Medlow Bath section of the Great Western Highway upgrade has been extended to allow community members more time to provide feedback on the plans. 

The consultation was due to close on 24 August but will remain open until 5 September to ensure community members have more of an opportunity to have their say on the upgrade.

 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said this project is another example of the Federal Liberal and Nationals Government’s determination to deliver for the people of New South Wales. 

“The upgrade of the East and West sections of the Great Western Highway, including at Medlow Bath, is about making sure the infrastructure New South Wales needs and deserves is funded and delivered,” the Deputy Prime Minister said. 

“The Commonwealth Government’s $2.03 billion contribution is freeing up funds to assist the New South Wales Government to deliver the broader upgrade of the Great Western Highway in a timely manner. 

“This is another example of the Commonwealth’s record $110 billion infrastructure investment plan in action, helping to connect communities and improve safety, while creating jobs and supporting our economic recovery.” 

New South Wales Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said after listening to the community, the decision was made to extend the consultation. 

“We want to make sure every voice in Medlow Bath is heard which is why we’re giving everyone an extra 10 days to have their say,” Mr Toole said. 

“A number of printed copies of the full Review of Environmental Factors have been supplied to community members, and that offer is open to anyone who prefers to read a hard copy of the document. 

“For community members with limited internet connectivity, we are happy to provide copies of the REF as well as other consultation material on a USB and post this to anyone on request.” 

The Commonwealth and New South Wales governments understand that responding to the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) and concept design is a time-consuming exercise, and it is important to give community members and stakeholders every opportunity to participate. 

Some aspects of the design have already been revised following community consultation, including the addition of traffic lights at Bellevue Crescent to provide safer access for vehicles turning on and off the highway and dedicated turning lanes into Bellevue Crescent. 

A written update with details of the REF and a map of the proposed design was letterboxed to all addresses in Medlow Bath, supported by a printed reply-paid submissions form. 

Community members who do not wish to consult online are invited to contact the project team on 1800 953 777 or at to arrange a phone consultation. 

The REF and concept display is available at a virtual consultation room at

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