Lithgow Drug Action Taskforce

Lockdown is hard for everyone.  The support structures we sometimes did not even realise were so important have vanished or just look and feel different. If you are feeling overwhelmed, our community does have resources to help. 

The LDAT team are experts in the fields of drugs and alcohol and are there to help.  All services are respectful and non-judgemental. You don’t have to have a “problem” or be a particular demographic.  While all services do have a slightly different focus, they are all open and happy to answer your questions, or refer you to the right local connection for help.

Early on in the LDAT research, a common issue raised was finding local support, and a community guide was put together and distributed.  We thought it might be a good idea at this time to let you know the guide is still valid.  While some names may have changed, all phone numbers are operational and there are trained professionals ready to take your call. 

For more information you can find LDAT at Facebook: .  We are currently working on developing an LDAT specific website.

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