Lithgow VIEW Club resumes meetings

Lithgow VIEW Club resumed their meetings on Wednesday 11th August at the Lithgow Workman’s Club. President Sue Giokaris welcomed 65 members & 2 Guests (Nancye Coates & Pauline Wallace) to their meeting.  Their numbers were down because of COVID restrictions.

Pauline Wallace joined as a new member today & they welcome her to their club.

The Lithgow VIEW Club Congratulations to Kerri Bernard who was presented with her 10-year Decade pin. 

They were to have a happy occasion to welcome their members back to VIEW after not holding their meeting in July due to COVID restrictions. 

Their Guest Speaker was Rupert Grech who has written books on Tales of growing up in Wartime Malta “Stories my Parents told me” & “Stylus Stories” a book of collective stories through his life.  Their members were enthralled by his PPT presentation and storytelling.

VIEW Club meets on the second Wednesday of the month with the next meeting on Wednesday 8th September.

VIEW which stands for VOICE, Interests & Education of Women supports The Smith Family’s Learning for life student program.  They help with the sponsorship and Education of disadvantaged children to give them a better life outcome.  Any lady who would like to know more about the Club can contact their President Sue Giokaris on 0407 298 606.

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