Interruption to Service – Water Supply Wallerawang

Council wishes to advise that the water supply in the area of Lambert Place and Blackett Drive, Wallerawang may be affected due to a water mains break.  

Council is undertaking emergency repairs on the reticulation network that services Lambert Place and Blackett Drive, Wallerawang. Residents in this area of Wallerawang may experience a reduction in water pressure or no water. 

Council cannot advise a time for the completion of repairs, but will aim to minimize the period of disruption. 

Upon return to normal service, residents may experience dirty water for a period. Council will endeavor to minimize this by flushing the mains. Before using the water for domestic purposes, residents are advised to run the first tap that services their property to ensure the water is clean and any dirt released into the system has been flushed before running internal taps. If you continue to experience issues of dirty water, please contact Council. 

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