Dive into a whole new world with Bathurst Library during this years’ Book Week celebrations running from 23 – 27 August.
Storytime will be back in the library this year with a range of different session times
available each day for families. The story times will feature books from the shortlist of
the Children’s Book Council of Australia book awards, celebrating Australian
children’s writers and illustrators.

Book Week families are encouraged to dress up for the sessions and participate in the two competitions running for the event. Prizes, kindly donated by Books Plus Bathurst and Bolinda Audiobooks, are up for grabs in both the Reading Challenge and the ‘Send a Postcard’ drawing competition. Visit the Bathurst Library website for more details on how to enter.
Bathurst Library Manager Patou Clerc is pleased to be able to bring families back into the library this year. “Covid postponed and changed the nature of our Book Week activities last year,” she said. “We are really looking forward to seeing families participate in person within the current health guidelines, and through the fun activities we have planned. There are opportunities for people of any age to have fun with the theme this year.”
Bookings for the story time sessions will open on August 16. Spaces are limited and
bookings are essential. For more information and registration details you can visit
bathurst.nsw.gov.au/library or call the library on 6333 6281.
Pictured Library Staff Natalie Conn, Sarah Fleming and Victoria Murray