Seniors Urged to Check for Unclaimed Money

Older people are being encouraged to check if they have money owing to them, with more than half a billion dollars currently sitting with Revenue NSW.

With the rise in cost-of-living, many households would undoubtedly appreciate having the money back in their pocket.

Anyone can search for unclaimed money on the Revenue NSW website. It is a free service offered to get money back into the hands of its owners.

The unclaimed funding held by Revenue NSW includes share dividends, trust accounts, refunds, commissions, deceased estates and money from a range of other sources.

More than $501 million is currently unclaimed and while Revenue NSW does try to contact potential owners and connect them with what is rightfully theirs, it is still important to be proactive and check.

There could be a range of reasons why money might be unclaimed, such as someone could have moved house, have unclaimed cheques, changed banks, or simply forgotten about it.

I encourage people to use Revenue NSW’s free online service to check. Chances are there could be something owed to them, and it might even help with the household budget.

Unclaimed money is held by Revenue NSW until it is claimed. Revenue NSW carries out data matching activities and attempts to contact potential owners of new items received from enterprises.

To search for unclaimed money and learn more about the process, visit


The NSW Government will accept all 15 recommendations put forward by the Regional Housing Taskforce to help deliver improved housing supply and affordability in regional NSW.

The comprehensive suite of measures includes more homes for key workers, accelerating development assessments, and identifying options to use Government land for more social and affordable housing.

Regional councils will benefit from a share of $12 million to help them plan for housing that is affordable, diverse, and resilient to natural hazards.

The initial $30 million Regional Housing Fund is already helping 21 regional councils in high-growth areas deliver 25 new projects to provide services, open space and connections to fast-track a pipeline of new homes.

The Government’s response also includes delivering around 270 more homes for key frontline workers in the regions;

Councils have until 30 September 2022 to submit their applications for the Regional Housing Strategic Planning Fund.

For more information on the fund and to view the Government’s response to the Regional Housing Taskforce, visit

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